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Greetings! Welcome to the page that I doubt anyone actually clicks on, but maybe you did because you were curious (or it was a mistake). Either way you're here now so I will let you know a bit about myself.

My name is Kat Marasigan, I'm 30 years old and living in the warmest place in Canada, beautiful downtown Vancouver! I have a sweet Cavalier puppy named Timo and I spend a lot of my free time scrutinizing the cost of living in Vancouver and working on my acrylic paintings.


I was previously a CG Generalist at Mainframe Studios. As my first industry job, my time with the studio has been absolutely amazing. I've taken on roles of a modeler, surfacing artist and foliage artist. I am primarily a modeler but am comfortable with surfacing jobs. As for extra curricular within Mainframe I have also had the pleasure to volunteer for several SPARK festivals. So if you see me there come say hello! In the previous year I also had the pleasure to work on a Metaverse based project in Unity for Synic Software, doing environmental modeling.

My prior work background comes from around 10 years of retail and customer service with managerial based positions. Customer service is one thing I've always looked forward to in all of my retail life.


I am actively on the hunt for another studio to expand my knowledge in either the animation industry or even the dream of becoming a part of the gaming industry! If I seem even the slightest bit interesting, don't be afraid to accidentally click the contact page. I promise not to tell you a bad joke right away, I'll wait until we're more aquainted.


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